Your Gums Are More Important Than You Know

Brushing Bellaire TXWhen it comes to lasting oral health, you may focus primarily on your teeth. After all, this is the area that we mostly see and it is what handles the burden of routine chewing. The support of your dental strength should not only center around the health of your enamel, however. Surrounding structures play a role in the durability of your smile quality as you age. Chief among these is the health of your periodontal tissue.

Your gums have more function than you might possibly envision. The connection between your teeth and the jaw are highly vulnerable when the protection of the gums is removed. Infection of this tissue is one of the primary causes of tooth loss from decay. At Contemporary Dental in Bellaire, TX, we understand the complexities of periodontal disease. This condition affects nearly half of adult Americans and can lead to serious consequences including the infection of the root of a tooth. Bacteria can even spread into the bone of the jaw, so speak with a qualified professional about treatment. (more…)

Dentistry And Your Comprehensive Health

Think Bellaire TXScientists are discovering more connections everyday between our oral health and the other systems of the body. Bacterial growth is particularly troublesome for your future health. A dental abscess or interior tooth infection can allow tiny germs to start growing within your body. This can spread from a single location in the mouth to the broader area of the jaw.

After the jaw is compromised, these organisms can enter the bloodstream and cause a life-threatening illness called sepsis. It is vital that you address your dental health issues before they reach this point. At Contemporary Dental in Bellaire, TX, we can work to help stop the progression of these dangerous bacteria.



Alignment Correction For All Stages Of Life

Family Bellaire TXA beautiful smile relies on stable and proper alignment. This term refers to the orientation and location of the teeth and even if your individual structures are strong, imbalance can create issues. Overlapping can create areas that become difficult to thoroughly clean and when bacteria develop colonies with these hard-to-reach locations, cavities can develop. These microorganisms release harmful acids that can erode the surface of the tooth.

Others may have perfectly healthy teeth, but wish for a tidier appearance of their smile. Alignment treatment can be a fantastic way to improve your overall look while giving you a more comfortable bite. At Contemporary Dental & Orthodontics in Bellaire, TX, we have an array of ways to address misaligned smiles. Whether you are a teen looking to give yourself a solid oral health foundation or happen to be a little bit older, there is a treatment that fits your needs and can help you live your best alignment life! (more…)

Complete Your Routine With Periodontal Care

unhealthy Gum inflammation disease by gingivitis. Dental Gum andTaking care of your smile is a lifelong process and one that certainly could benefit from revisiting every once in a while. Indeed, the last thing you want to do is fall short in your at-home preventive routine, and failing to care for each component of your smile’s health will inevitably lead to infections, damage, and possibly even tooth loss. Fortunately, our team has the experience and insight necessary to help you get back on track with your preventive efforts. In today’s blog, your Bellaire, TX dentist will explain the importance of maintaining an effective periodontal cleaning routine and discuss your options for care.


Defend Your Gums While Pregnant

Preg Bellaire TXIf you are pregnant, or planning to make a new addition to the family, the constant barrage of health concerns can be overwhelming. Eat this, stay away from that, it seems like everyone has an opinion on what is beneficial for you and what is dangerous. For this reason, it is important to make sure that you are gathering your information from a trusted source. It’s always best to keep an open line of discussion with your health providers at this time.

We often overlook the importance of our gums and minimize the role they play in keeping our mouths safe. But this time places us at a distinct risk of periodontal disease, or the infection and inflammation of this tissue. Today, your Bellaire, TX dentist explains what to keep any eye out for while expecting, and how best to protect your smile!
