When it comes to lasting oral health, you may focus primarily on your teeth. After all, this is the area that we mostly see and it is what handles the burden of routine chewing. The support of your dental strength should not only center around the health of your enamel, however. Surrounding structures play a role in the durability of your smile quality as you age. Chief among these is the health of your periodontal tissue.
Your gums have more function than you might possibly envision. The connection between your teeth and the jaw are highly vulnerable when the protection of the gums is removed. Infection of this tissue is one of the primary causes of tooth loss from decay. At Contemporary Dental in Bellaire, TX, we understand the complexities of periodontal disease. This condition affects nearly half of adult Americans and can lead to serious consequences including the infection of the root of a tooth. Bacteria can even spread into the bone of the jaw, so speak with a qualified professional about treatment. (more…)