Brighten Your Smile Professionally

Young Professional Bellaire TXDo you have a significant event coming up, such as a graduation or a wedding? For a helpful way to improve the appearance of your smile, many people seek out teeth whitening! Be wary with the use of supermarket products, however, as these can be inefficient at removing stubborn stains from your teeth. What can make things worse is that the repeated bleaching of your teeth can lead to the weakening of your enamel, leaving you susceptible to dentin sensitivity.

The eyes and experience at Contemporary Dental in Bellaire, TX give you a professional approach to your cosmetic treatment, which gives your provider the ability to take a look at your smile and determine the best course of action. Sometimes, patients believe that internal discoloration can be improved through the use of over-the-counter products, and then needlessly expose their enamel to harsh bleaching agents. Knowing the cause of your condition can give you the knowledge you need to make a positive change before your event. If you have a big job interview on the horizon, you have the power to make a change!

Over-The-Counter Options Can Be Risky

There has been an influx of products available at the supermarket, which are aimed at treating surface stains. Even when these are perfectly safe for you to use, you could be treating an entirely different condition. While internal tooth discoloration might appear similar to staining, bleaching will be ineffective at providing a lasting solution for your smile.

For this reason, your best place to start with any cosmetic improvement is in the dental chair for your routine schedule of cleanings and examinations. This way, a qualified dentist can take a look at your mouth and take any necessary imagery to determine the cause of your cosmetic concerns. With your cleaning, the removal of plaque and tartar can be a huge first step in improving the look and feel of your smile.

Your Options In Lifting The Shade Of Your Enamel

At Contemporary Dental, we offer you two distinct forms of whitening treatment; the first of these is at home alongside your routine nightly hygiene regimen. With the use of a custom set of BPA-free trays, you will fill these with a lifting gel and rest with them for a period of time. Notice changes in as little as two weeks with this method, or for an even speedier solution, come into the office for treatment in around an hour!

Preparing For Important Moments With Contemporary Dental

Speak with our team at Contemporary Dental & Orthodontics in Bellaire, TX at 713-668-9119 for more information or to schedule an appointment for your teeth whitening. We are here to help you through the process with an eye on your enamel health!