The problems patients have with dental discoloration can vary. Some will have more noticeable issues than others, which can affect how eager they are to look into cosmetic treatment. This problem can also vary in its cause, as it can stem from issues with external stains or intrinsic changes to your tooth structure. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, we can provide different treatment options for individuals who want to change their appearance by making their teeth whiter. After a review, we can help you identify the correct approach for you. We can also discuss any additional cosmetic improvements that interest you. (more…)
Can Clear Aligners Improve Your Smile?
Poor smile alignment can cause problems with spacing that draw unwanted attention. This issue, also known as malocclusion, can also hurt your overall appearance by giving your smile an asymmetrical quality. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, we offer different services for patients who want to make cosmetic changes. One option available to you is treatment with clear aligners, which can gradually move teeth into better positions. These appliances can help with more than just the way you look. Through orthodontic treatment, you can also improve your bite function and make dental hygiene efforts easier! (more…)
How Dental Technology Benefits Patients
You may be surprised by what your dentist can do for you at their office. At our Bellaire, TX dental practice, we provide a variety of different services. Because we have on-site specialists who can work with you, we can even take on challenges related to tooth loss, periodontal disease, and more. The right technology helps us plan important procedures and work with patients with different oral health concerns. This technology includes digital imaging equipment that helps us measure and evaluate teeth before treatments. It also includes technology we can use to produce lifelike dental crowns in one visit, shortening the time it takes to restore an unhealthy tooth. (more…)
We Can Address Significant Dental Concerns
Returning to the dentist’s office after a long break, or when you are aware you have problems, can feel daunting. One concern shared by many is the possibility that they will have to meet with a specialist about their oral health concerns. This can complicate your care, require more appointments, and generally put more steps between you and your fully restored smile. Our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office is able to help patients with varying issues, even if the problems they face often call for more specialized care. Because our office staff includes specialists who handle an array of oral health services, we can make sure all of your treatments are in order, and that you are prepared to have a full smile recovery! (more…)
Using Veneers To Make Smile Improvements
If you look into your options for smile improvement, you can find that there are several cosmetic procedures that make big changes attainable. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, we can take on concerns about discoloration, problems with teeth spacing, issues with dental damage, and more. As we review what services might be right for you, we can highlight procedures that are capable of resolving multiple issues at one time. You can see dynamic changes when we place custom porcelain veneers on teeth that currently hurt the quality of your smile. In just two appointments, you can see striking changes. Because these restorations are made to last, they can effectively provide permanent improvements that you are happy to show off! (more…)
Orthodontic Work And Your Oral Health
People often start looking at their options for orthodontic treatment because they want to address issues with the way they look. Through treatment, you can improve your smile by correcting problems with visible gaps and overlaps between teeth, and you can generally make your appearance more attractive by making your smile more uniform. As beneficial as corrective work can be, there are also oral health benefits to treatment that you should be aware of. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, we can provide different treatment options, including discreet approaches with lingual braces and clear aligners, to help you resolve problems with malocclusion. (more…)
We Can Restore Your Incomplete Smile
Any damage to your tooth structure can be a concern. Until treatment occurs, an unhealthy tooth can make eating more uncomfortable, and it can also stop you from smiling with full confidence. Of course, while unhealthy teeth are a concern, the loss of teeth can be a bigger, more intrusive issue! Losing teeth makes you more likely to experience more oral health difficulties, including the loss of additional teeth. You can also struggle to bite and chew with confidence, and you can grow uncomfortable with the way you look. Our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office is prepared to help. We actually have a specialist on site who assists those who want to replace missing teeth. With the right treatment approach, we can give you back your confidence in the way you look, as well as in your oral health! (more…)
What You Gain With Access To Same-Day Crowns
When your dentist tells you that you need a dental crown, you can be less than thrilled. With that said, our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office can take care of your tooth in less time than you expect, and we can do so without changing your appearance. Our practice uses technology to produce dental crowns that are ready in as little as one appointment. The restoration we create will still be custom-made to fit your tooth, and it will provide cosmetic benefits as well as functional support. This is possible because we rely on CEREC technology to digitally measure teeth, make designs of restorations, and then produce them in-house with a custom milling machine. While designed to match your enamel, your ceramic crown will also be strong enough to provide functional support. (more…)
Can Cosmetic Work Address My Smile Concerns?
Many people have at least one concern about the way their smile looks. Even those who once felt full confidence in the way they looked can start to grow concerned as gradual changes affect their appearance. While people look into cosmetic dentistry for different reasons, they can have similar goals for showing off teeth that are brighter, more uniform, and free of conspicuous flaws that might stand out. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, we can help you reach your goals through the appropriate treatment. What may surprise you is how one procedure can be all it takes for you to have the changes you want, even if you have several areas of concern that you hope to address. (more…)
Are You Ignoring A Problem With Your Gums?
What does it mean when you notice that your gums are more sensitive, and more prone to bleeding, whenever you brush and floss? How worried should you be if you have tissues that look discolored and swollen, or when recession starts to occur. These are all symptoms of poor periodontal health, something that you should not take lightly. If you let problems with gum disease go unchecked, they can worsen and become difficult to manage. Our Bellaire, TX dental office can help you protect yourself against gum disease. Because we have a periodontist on-site who can work with you, we can also help you start care to address a more serious infection. (more…)