How Are Veneers Able To Address So Many Smile Flaws?

Can it really be true? Is it actually possible to correct several smile flaws through one cosmetic dental treatment? You can be excited to learn how much good you can do for your appearance when you have porcelain veneers placed on your teeth. Your Bellaire, TX dentist can help you transform the way you look by affixing custom veneers to the front of your teeth. Once they are in place, you can enjoy coverage that addresses problems with dental discoloration, damage, and even concerns with misshapen or poorly aligned teeth. As thin as they are, veneers are up to the task of making lasting improvements possible, even as they are subjected to biting and chewing pressures. (more…)

Quiz: Maintaining Good Habits, And Preventing Dental Trouble

How would you like to find out that you need treatment for a cavity? Would you be excited to learn that your oral health is being compromised by gum disease? While you would have a hard time finding anyone who wants to experience smile trouble, people can fail to maintain proper habits to keep their teeth safe. While your Bellaire, TX dentist’s office can offer important support during routine dental exams, you need to do your part by keeping your teeth clean and healthy between appointments. A good oral care regimen, and a smart diet, can help you lower your risk for problems like tooth decay! (more…)

Taking Action To Address An Infected Tooth

You should consider a tooth infection a real threat to your oral health, and your smile. This problem can occur when a cavity damages your tooth badly enough to expose your pulp to oral bacteria, or when you experience a physical injury. Once a tooth becomes infected, you can experience pain and sensitivity – if you ignore these warning signs, an infection can continue spreading, and your tooth may need to be extracted! Fortunately, your Bellaire, TX dentist can offer care before this is necessary. A root canal treatment is performed to carefully remove infected tissues from a tooth’s pulp. By performing this work, and restoring your tooth with a crown, your dentist can protect your smile against potentially serious complications. (more…)

Enjoy Bellaire’s Holiday In The Park Event Nov 29!

Bellaire families can share moments of holiday cheer with their neighbors at this year’s Holiday In The Park event on Thursday, November 29! Holiday In The Park will turn Bellaire Town Square into a premiere Christmas destination. You and your family can enjoy treats, carolers, and a special holiday tree lighting. There will also be pony rides, snow slides, and other great activities for the kids to experience. Local restaurants and groups will be on hand with tasty treats for visitors. What are some of your favorite holiday traditions? Many families have a few popular recipes, particularly for dessert treats. While sweets can be hard to avoid this time of year, you should be mindful of your oral health. Your Bellaire, TX dentist is ready to offer support during your next routine dental exam, but be sure to do your part by brushing and flossing, and paying attention to your diet! (more…)

Find Out How Cosmetic Work Can Address Dental Damage

As time passes, it can be normal for a smile to show some signs of dental wear and tear. However, there are cases where a person can experience more noticeable chips on teeth, or even suffer a cracked tooth, that has a hard-to-ignore effect on the way they look. If you want to do something about visible damage, talk to your Bellaire, TX dentist about cosmetic dental work. Through the right treatment, it becomes possible to make your teeth appear healthy, and in great condition. This work can be discreet, and durable. It can also be completed in less time than you expect. Porcelain veneers can lead to a dramatic smile improvement in the course of just two appointments! (more…)

Using Clear Aligners: 3 Things You Should Know

When you consider your options for orthodontic dental care, you may be excited by the advantages that clear aligners offer. Appliances offered by Invisalign and ClearCorrect can provide a more convenient and discreet approach to straightening your teeth. Instead of showing off a set of bracket and wire braces when you smile, these appliances are hard to notice, and they can be removed when they might be in your way. Your Bellaire, TX dentist’s office can meet with you to discuss your treatment options if you are interested in straightening your smile. Clear aligners are one of several solutions that can help you enjoy the cosmetic and oral health benefits gained through successful orthodontic treatment. (more…)

Making Sure Your Gums Have The Treatment They Need

If your teeth are healthy, then your smile must be healthy…right? While this might seem to be the case, it leaves out something important – the health of your gums. If you have problems with poor periodontal health, you may notice symptoms like bleeding, swelling, or redness, as well as an embarrassing issue of persistent bad breath. What you should understand is that while the early signs of gum disease are troubling, you can experience more significant concerns when your condition progresses. Your Bellaire, TX dentist’s office is ready to help you address problems with gum disease. In many cases, a periodontal cleaning, also referred to as scaling/root planing, can restore your health. If your condition is more advanced, other steps can be required. (more…)

Worried About A Cavity? We’re Ready To Help!

If you think you might need work done on a cavity, your goal should be to have the matter treated as soon as possible. If you delay care, you can leave yourself vulnerable to a continued attack on your tooth structure. While a cavity can start small, the problem can progress to the point where your tooth develops an infection, which requires a root canal procedure to address. Your Bellaire, TX dentist is ready to help you if you need to arrange restorative dental work. In addition to stopping and treating decay, your dentist can provide you with a natural-looking modern restoration to protect your tooth. (more…)

Check Out The Selfies With Santa Event On November 28

As we reach the holiday season, Bellaire area families can look forward to great holiday fun. One thing you and your family can look forward to this year is the Selfies With Santa event, which is being held at the Bellaire Town Square Gazebo on Wednesday, November 28! During this special gathering, you can have your kids take their picture with Santa Claus, and help the Stuff The Sleigh organization support patients with advanced illnesses. This is a great opportunity to celebrate the season, while also spending time together as a family. Your Bellaire, TX dentist’s office encourages everyone to have fun this season, but to remember that cavities that result from too many holiday treats are no one’s idea of a good time. Make sure you have your next routine dental exam scheduled! (more…)

Deciding On Your Preferred Approach To Teeth Whitening

Your objective is clear – you want to address the stains that have gathered on your teeth, and hurt the quality of your smile. So what is your next step? If you are interested in making noticeable changes, you can talk with your Bellaire, TX dentist about a professional whitening treatment. Because your dentist can supply you with advanced whitening agents that can surpass the effects of a store bought whitening treatment, you can see more impressive results in relatively little time. You can select an in-office treatment, which can lead to results in a single appointment, or you can arrange to take home a professional whitening kit. If you have questions about other cosmetic dental services available to you, or if you want to make sure your dental discoloration can be effectively treated with whitening agents, you can arrange a consultation to learn more. (more…)