Category: Dental Implants

Fielding Questions About Implant Dentistry

Someone who has just one missing tooth can experience problems with their confidence, their bite function, and their dental health. Whether you have a gap from a single missing tooth or need to address multiple losses, you can gain important benefits from an implant-held restoration. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, we have helped many… Read more »

Can Dental Implants Support Dentures?

senior woman shrugs

When you look into receiving dentures, you can appreciate that a removable appliance can give you back your full smile. However, you may have questions about how comfortable it will be, and how much functional support it can provide. If you are someone who already relies on a removable denture, jawbone deterioration may have affected… Read more »

Why Are My Dentures Starting To Feel Loose?

Dentures are made for individual patients, with care taken to ensure that they fit comfortably and are easy to keep in place. Unfortunately, they can begin to feel less secure as time passes. This lack of support can become an issue due to jawbone deterioration, which occurs after losing teeth. What can you do to… Read more »

Using Dental Implants To Replace Several Missing Teeth

When you lose several teeth, you can have a harder time hiding the effect tooth loss has had on your appearance, and you may have to give up a variety of foods that are more difficult to bite and chew. At our Bellaire, TX dentists’ office, we can talk to you about the benefits of… Read more »

Making The Move To Implant-Held Dentures

When a patient needs dentures to replace a row of teeth, the restoration they receive will be custom-made to ensure it fits securely and comfortably. Over time, that fit can feel less secure as jawbone deterioration takes place. This problem will affect people after tooth loss because they no longer have the roots of their… Read more »

How Dental Implants Let Patients Preserve Jawbone Density

How will your oral health change after tooth loss? It may not surprise you to hear that this issue causes more than just difficulties with your appearance. Just one missing tooth can make it difficult for you to bite and chew comfortably, and it can make you more vulnerable to losing more teeth. Another issue… Read more »

Regaining A Confident Smile After Losing Several Teeth

Losing a single tooth can hurt your confidence in the way you look, and it can also create problems for your oral health. While losing one tooth can have serious consequences, your issues can become even harder to ignore when lose several teeth! In addition to making more trouble for your smile and bite function,… Read more »

The Role Dental Implants Can Play In Supporting Dentures

When patients receive their dentures, they can be happy to show off a more youthful and attractive smile. When a denture is secured with dental implants, they can also enjoy long-term improvements in their bite function and oral health! Our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office is ready to meet with people who are ready to receive… Read more »

How Dental Implants Help Preserve Your Remaining Teeth

Dental implants are used to support restorations that will hold your replacement teeth. With an implant in place to hold a prosthetic tooth, or multiple implants to hold a larger appliance, you can have an easier time biting, chewing, and speaking. You can also make sure that your remaining teeth have more support. An implant… Read more »

Challenges That People Experience After Losing Teeth

How much trouble can tooth loss really cause a person? If you have lost just one tooth, you can be familiar with the different difficulties your condition can create. You can find it harder to bite and chew certain foods, and may even feel awkward when speaking at times. If you have left tooth loss… Read more »