Category: Orthodontics

What To Expect From Orthodontic Treatment

When someone wants to straighten their teeth, can they look into any treatment options beyond the use of metal braces? Traditional orthodontic work with these braces can certainly produce positive results, but there are alternatives to those who want something more discreet. At our Bellaire, TX dental practice, we can provide access to several approaches… Read more »

Poor Smile Alignment And Your Bite

You may experience frequent problems with pain and stiffness in your jaw if you have unresolved issues with the way you bite and chew. An imbalanced bite can lead to worsening tension on your joints and muscles, something that can create increasing problems for you in time. What is responsible for this issue? The answer… Read more »

Improving Your Smile With Clear Aligners

Until you do something about the way your teeth are spaced, you can find it difficult to feel comfortable with your smile. Properly treating problems with gaps and overlaps can lead to welcome cosmetic changes, and your adjustment can also be good for your oral health. If you are interested in straightening your teeth but… Read more »

3 Reasons To Think About Orthodontic Work

Whether you have minor but frustrating issues with poor teeth spacing or more serious concerns about malocclusion, orthodontic treatment can offer real benefits. The process of straightening your smile can have welcome cosmetic benefits. It can also lead to beneficial changes in your dental function and oral health. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, we… Read more »

Trusting Smile Care To Clear Aligners

If you have doubts about the quality of your smile because your teeth appear crooked or uneven, our Bellaire, TX dental office can help. Our practice is here to help patients with an interest in orthodontic treatment. In fact, we can actually offer alternatives to metal braces, making care feel more accessible and appealing. One… Read more »

Is This The Right Time For Orthodontic Work?

What does it mean to find the “right” time to start orthodontic work? Because a procedure relies on appliances that must stay in place for an extended period of time, you may be eager to wait until a period where you feel less worried about aligners intruding on your daily life. In other words, you… Read more »

3 Reasons To Consider Orthodontic Treatment

Many people begin orthodontic treatment during their teen years, but it also frequently benefits adults. This can be because they have never addressed problems with malocclusion, or because of shifting that has occurred after past treatment. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, you can meet with us to discuss the benefits of beginning a procedure… Read more »

Orthodontic Work And Your Oral Health

People often start looking at their options for orthodontic treatment because they want to address issues with the way they look. Through treatment, you can improve your smile by correcting problems with visible gaps and overlaps between teeth, and you can generally make your appearance more attractive by making your smile more uniform. As beneficial… Read more »

How Braces And Aligners Improve Smiles

While there are several reasons why your dentist might recommend orthodontic treatment, it is hard to miss how corrective work can improve your smile. At the end of your adjustment, you can show off a straighter, more symmetrical smile, and no longer feel self-conscious because of visible gaps or overlaps between teeth. At our Bellaire,… Read more »

Correcting Smile Flaws With Clear Aligners

Are you currently affected by smile flaws that you try to keep hidden? Many people who have awkward gaps or overlaps between teeth can feel less than thrilled with their appearance. Even minor issues with malocclusion can be sources of concern, as they can give you an asymmetrical look that is distracting and generally less… Read more »