3 Reasons To Think About Orthodontic Work

Whether you have minor but frustrating issues with poor teeth spacing or more serious concerns about malocclusion, orthodontic treatment can offer real benefits. The process of straightening your smile can have welcome cosmetic benefits. It can also lead to beneficial changes in your dental function and oral health. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, we provide a range of treatments, including orthodontic services, as we have specialists on-site who can take care of you. You can look into work with traditional metal braces, or you can explore other options, including discreet clear aligners, to make sure your smile is properly aligned and spaced.

1. You Have Appearance-Friendly Treatment Options

With traditional metal braces, we can make sure that gaps and overlaps, and general alignment flaws, no longer hurt your appearance and oral health. While this approach is an effective one, it is not all that is available to you. Your options also include work with lingual braces, which cover the backs of teeth to remain out of sight, and clear aligners. Because clear aligners are both removable and hard to see, they make your care easier to incorporate into your daily life!

2. Your Corrective Work Can Have Lasting Cosmetic Benefits

Even relatively minor problems with the way your teeth are spaced can have a negative impact on your appearance. After all, it only takes one out-of-position tooth to throw off your smile symmetry or create a visible gap or overlap. While cosmetic dentistry can sometimes help hide these issues, it can take orthodontic work to fully resolve the trouble. The added benefit to taking this approach is that you can see lasting results without making permanent changes to your enamel.

3. Treatment Can Help You Improve Your Bite Function

Are you vulnerable to problems with TMJ disorder? One concern with malocclusion is that it will impact your ability to evenly apply and release bite force. Without the right resolution, this problem can lead to chronic jaw pain and stiffness, nightly teeth grinding, and even headaches and facial discomfort. Fortunately, with corrective work, we can help you maintain better balance with your jaw movements, which will reduce tension and help you avoid problems with ongoing discomfort.

Talk To Your Bellaire, TX Dentist About Orthodontic Work!

By starting orthodontic treatment for malocclusion, you can put issues with your oral health and appearance behind you! There are several options we can recommend if you are ready to straighten your teeth. Because our team of dentists includes a specialist with training in orthodontics, you can continue to visit our practice while you undergo corrective work! If you would like to find out more about our office and our different services, please reach out to Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics at 713-668-9119.