Category: Orthodontics

What To Look Forward To After Orthodontic Treatment

What can you expect after your dentist suggests starting orthodontic treatment? At our Bellaire, TX dental office, we provide treatment with traditional braces, but we also offer more discreet options like lingual braces and clear braces. No matter which approach you choose, there are several benefits to completing an adjustment that you can look forward… Read more »

Beginning Treatment With Clear Aligners: What To Expect

As exciting as it may be to imaging life after orthodontic treatment, some patients are uncomfortable with the idea of committing to wearing metal braces for a fixed period of time. Fortunately, this is not the only treatment option available to people who want to do something about frustrating smile gaps and overlaps. At our… Read more »

Orthodontic Treatment Can Help People With Bite Difficulties

There are several challenges that can affect a person who has trouble maintaining an even bite. If your bite is awkward or uneven, it can cause you to unintentionally overuse certain teeth, wearing them down prematurely and making them more vulnerable to harm. You can also be more likely to develop issues with your jaw… Read more »

Can My Teeth Be Straightened Without Traditional Braces?

Traditional braces that rely on brackets and wires to gradually move teeth have helped patients with a range of concerns about poor smile alignment. These issues, known as malocclusion, affect a person’s appearance while also creating potential difficulties with bite function and cavity prevention. As common as they are as a form of treatment, many… Read more »

Resolving Problems With Poorly Spaced Teeth

If your teeth are too far apart, or if they are too close together, you can experience cosmetic and oral health issues. Malocclusion is a frustrating issue, one that often calls for orthodontic treatment to resolve. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, we provide multiple approaches to care for those interested in straightening their teeth…. Read more »

How Clear Braces Resolve Frustrating Smile Problems

The overall comfort you feel toward your appearance can be significantly affected by the quality of your smile. Problems with teeth that are poorly spaced, that overlap awkwardly, or experience any other alignment flaws can make it difficult for you to enjoy confidence in the way you look. At our Bellarire, TX dentist’s office, problems… Read more »

Orthodontic Work Can Lead To More Confidence In Your Smile

Patients with poorly aligned teeth can have a hard time smiling with real confidence. Gaps, overlaps, and other issues that stem from malocclusion can make you unhappy with your overall appearance, and they can also have an impact on your oral health. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, individuals who are affected by these problems… Read more »

What Can You Expect From Treatment With Clear Aligners?

You can be excited to have orthodontic work done, but many people who want to straighten their teeth worry are uncomfortable with the idea of wearing metal braces. Fortunately, flaws like smile gaps and overlapping teeth can be addressed without these traditional appliances. We can instead use clear aligners to fix your smile! At our… Read more »

Has A Crooked Smile Been A Problem For Your Oral Health?

If you have found it difficult to fully protect yourself against tooth decay or gum disease, or if you have concerns about TMJ disorder, what can you do to better preserve your oral health? One reason people struggle with problems, even when they commit to good oral hygiene, is that they have unresolved problems with… Read more »

Can Clear Braces Help You Improve Your Smile Symmetry?

Even minor flaws can be big problems for your smile. A problem with a slightly misshapen tooth, or one that is the wrong size, is enough to jeopardize your smile’s symmetry, creating an uneven look that hurts its attractiveness. One common reason for smile asymmetry is poor dental alignment. This problem, sometimes referred to as… Read more »