Category: Preventive Dentistry

Harm Done By TMJ Disorder And Bruxism

There are different threats to your smile that should be taken seriously. Cavities are certainly a concern, but you also need to worry about the risk of physical injury certain unresolved issues can pose. One of those issues is bruxism, as a tendency to grind your teeth while you are asleep can have a serious… Read more »

What Stands Between You And Your Best Smile?

Your confidence in your smile can change over time. For many people, the unfortunate truth is that confidence can fall through the years due to issues like dental discoloration, problems with wear and tear, and issues with tooth injuries. Your Bellaire, TX dentist’s office can help you take care of these unwelcome changes. Our practice… Read more »

Scheduling Regular Dental Appointments

Have you been doing enough to keep your smile safe from the different threats to your oral health? When you think about your daily efforts to keep your teeth in good condition, you can focus on your diet decisions as well as your efforts to keep your smile free of plaque and tartar. As important… Read more »

We Can Help Manage Your Periodontal Health

Are you currently doing enough to make sure your gums are healthy? The answer to this question may be more important than you realize. Problems with your periodontal health can grow difficult to manage when they are not treated in time. This can lead to a higher risk for tooth loss, problems with your general… Read more »

Arranging Detailed Smile Examinations

How does a routine visit with your dentist really benefit you if you have no concerns about your oral health? Regular dental checkups offer several advantages when you schedule them on a regular basis. These visits keep you informed about the state of your smile, and can lead to timely intervention when problems first form…. Read more »

Taking On Your Issues With Bruxism

Are you putting your smile at risk when you turn in for the night? People who struggle with bruxism, or persistent teeth grinding, can wear down their enamel as they sleep. Unconsciously grinding and clenching your jaw will create friction that harms your enamel. Eventually, you can see changes as your teeth become flattened or… Read more »

Orthodontic Treatment Can Help People With Bite Difficulties

There are several challenges that can affect a person who has trouble maintaining an even bite. If your bite is awkward or uneven, it can cause you to unintentionally overuse certain teeth, wearing them down prematurely and making them more vulnerable to harm. You can also be more likely to develop issues with your jaw… Read more »

Actions To Take If You Want To Prevent Gingivitis

The right approach to smile care is one that does more than just keep you safe against cavities. Your periodontal health can have a long-term impact on your overall well-being. Problems with gum disease that form and go untreated can create problems for your general health, and they also put you at greater risk for… Read more »

Dental Checkups Help Kids Stay Safe Against Cavities

Kids count on their parents for support in many ways. One way you support your youngsters is by helping them maintain good oral health. When their teeth stay healthy and clean, they are less likely to have problems with cavities, and also less likely to experience issues that affect the development of their oral structures…. Read more »

Want Better Results From Brushing? 3 Things To Consider

What should you expect from your brushing routine? Sometimes, people with less than effective routines expect that they will keep their teeth bright and healthy over time. What they come to learn is that their efforts have been ineffective, which means they need to worry about issues like tartar buildup, discoloration, gum disease, and dental… Read more »