Have you recently noticed that your gums feel swollen or sensitive? Does it seem like your breath never feels fresh, even after brushing? These could be symptoms of periodontal disease, which happens when plaque buildups on and around your gumline. Finding out that you have periodontal disease can be worrisome, and you may wonder what… Read more »
Category: Periodontal Health
When Do You Need Scaling And Root Planing?
You may already know that a biannual dental checkup include a cleaning and examination. This visit helps remove plaque buildup and monitor any changes that may occur in your oral health. If your dentist notices that there is buildup on or below your gumline, you may need a more in-depth cleaning. In today’s blog, your… Read more »
Keep Your Gums And Heart Healthy
If you have swollen gums, bleed when you floss, or have persistent bad breath, you may be experiencing symptoms of periodontal disease. This is unfortunately a fairly common problem among adults in the United States. If caught in the earliest stage, gingivitis, proper care can treat and reverse symptoms. When these symptoms are ignored, the… Read more »
Taking Steps To Improve Your Gum Health
Your smile is so much more than just your teeth. Your gums play a huge role in keeping everything operating as it should, and problems can sometimes occur deep where it is difficult for your toothbrush to fully reach. This is why we floss each day, and this is an important step in your routine… Read more »
Fighting Gum Disease With Dedicated Care
When you think of your smile, what do you envision? For most people, the first thing that comes to mind is their teeth, and this is completely understandable; after all, this is what you show off when you smile and talk. Your teeth need the support of your gum tissue in order to stay healthy,… Read more »
Your Gums Are More Important Than You Know
When it comes to lasting oral health, you may focus primarily on your teeth. After all, this is the area that we mostly see and it is what handles the burden of routine chewing. The support of your dental strength should not only center around the health of your enamel, however. Surrounding structures play a… Read more »
Complete Your Routine With Periodontal Care
Taking care of your smile is a lifelong process and one that certainly could benefit from revisiting every once in a while. Indeed, the last thing you want to do is fall short in your at-home preventive routine, and failing to care for each component of your smile’s health will inevitably lead to infections, damage,… Read more »
What Happens If Gingivitis Goes Untreated?
It may seem obvious to recommend that you avoid problems with your health. Unfortunately, people sometimes let problems with their smile remain untreated because they overlook worrying symptoms, and because they are not consistent about dental exams. When you have a problem with gingivitis, leaving it unaddressed can lead to complications as the infection worsens… Read more »
Discussing Gum Disease With A Specialist
At a regular dental checkup, your dentist can look out for, and address, a number of concerning oral health issues. It is often possible to manage problems with poor periodontal health during a routine visit. However, it is also possible for an infection to become serious enough to require interactions with a specialist. While other… Read more »
Worried About Your Periodontal Health?
If you keep up with a good oral hygiene routine, you can have fewer concerns about your teeth and gums. With that said, you should look to our dentist for help in managing your dental health even if you brush and floss regularly, as problems may form and escape your notice until there are complications… Read more »