I’m missing a tooth… Now what?

There is no worse feeling than having a missing tooth.  The smile is a powerful and beautiful thing, and when a tooth is gone, the picture just isn’t complete.  In the past, replacement options for lost teeth were limited and not always esthetic.  However, dental implants now offer many patients an ideal solution to replace what is missing.

Dental implants offer an alternative to conventional crowns, bridges and dentures. For some people, dental implants offer a smile that looks and feels very natural. Implants are surgically placed below the gums, fuse to the jawbone and serve as a base for individual replacement of teeth, bridges or a denture. Implants offer stability because they fuse to your bone. Candidates for dental implants must have good over-all health, healthy gums, and enough bone to support the implant. A thorough evaluation by your dentist will help determine if you are a good candidate for implants.

Replacing missing teeth with implants begins with a surgery to place the implant in the jaw bone.  Diagnostic x-rays are taken prior to implant placement to determine the appropriate length and diameter of the implant as well as to assess the quality of the bone.  After a healing period of 2-4 months, the implant can be restored with either an implant crown, an implant supported bridge, or an implant supported denture.  Our extensive implant dentistry training allows us, in the majority of cases, to place the implants surgically here at Contemporary Dental rather than having to refer our patients to another doctor.  Some cases necessitate a team approach with a specialist due to patient health or other complexities involved in the case.

Implant supported crowns and bridges have revolutionized dentistry.  They allow dentists to be more conservative and simply replace a failed or missing tooth rather than needlessly grind away healthy tooth structure.  In addition, implants look very natural and can help preserve bone in an area where a tooth is missing.  If you or someone you know has a missing tooth, an implant might be the perfect solution.  Call our office today at 713.668.9119 to schedule your consult.

Doesn’t Everyone Want Straighter Teeth?

Lately, I’ve seen more and more adults coming to my office who are curious about what they can do to improve their smile.  The answers are as diverse as the patients who make up my practice.  Some people just need a little whitening; some people have complex restorative needs; many could benefit from getting the position of their teeth corrected.

What?  Braces?  Often when we start to discuss straightening teeth that question or one similar to that is the first thing out of the patient’s mouth.  While some adults do need traditional braces, many adults can be treated simply with Invisalign.  Invisalign uses a series of clear retainers that are custom made for a specific patient and shift teeth incrementally over a period of months.  The best part about Invisalign is that these retainers are practically invisible.

If you are interested in a better smile, Invisalign might be the perfect option for you.  Straighter teeth will make you feel more confident about your smile, will communicate to others a true picture of your health, and will help you and your dental hygienist keep your teeth and gums healthier with greater ease.  Call our office today at 713.668.9119 to schedule your consult or visit the Invisalign website at http://www.invisalign.com/how-invisalign-works for more information about the Invisalign process.