Category: Orthodontics

Are Lingual Braces The Right Orthodontic Appliance For You?

Your issues with poor dental alignment can differ from another person’s issues, but the goal of orthodontic treatment is generally the same:  At the end of your adjustment, you should be able to show off a smile that is straighter and more attractive. What you might not realize is that just as orthodontic issues differ,… Read more »

Find Out What To Expect From Life With Braces

For many people, orthodontic work will have an important role to play in the development of their smile, and their long-term oral health. If you have issues with poor dental alignment, straightening your teeth can lead to more confidence in your appearance, and it can improve your dental function. Your Bellaire, TX dentist’s office is… Read more »

You Can See Exciting Smile Improvements With Clear Aligners

Orthodontic work is intended as more than just a way to improve someone’s confidence in their appearance. By fixing flaws concerning the alignment of your teeth, you can lower your risk for experiencing issues with TMJ dysfunction, and you can have an easier time managing your risk for dental decay. Of course, that does not… Read more »

How Can You Effectively Fit Orthodontic Work Into Your Life?

Different people can have different feelings about orthodontic work. Some people who hesitate to move forward with straightening their teeth can be reluctant for reasons that focus on what their experience might be like with an orthodontic appliance. Meanwhile, others can have concerns about the impact an adjustment might have on their daily life. Your… Read more »

We Can Answer Your Questions About Modern Orthodontic Work

You want to improve your smile, and you are ready to enjoy the oral health advantages that straightened teeth provide. Are you ready to start your orthodontic adjustment? While patients are excited by the benefits of an orthodontic procedure, they can have questions that concern their time with an appliance on their teeth. Modern orthodontic… Read more »

Taking Care Of Orthodontic Work As An Adult

People often assume that orthodontic work is something meant for teenagers, or kids in their tweens. Because this type of smile care is associated with younger people, adults can sometimes feel too embarrassed to look into straightening their teeth. If you are someone who feels anxious about this type of work, you should know that… Read more »

Fitting Clear Braces Into Your Daily Life

Because they can offer you the chance to improve your smile, while also addressing potential oral health issues, you can be eager to correct dental alignment problems through orthodontic work. Of course, being excited about the results of a treatment does not mean you are necessarily excited about the treatment itself. For some patients, there… Read more »

How Poor Dental Alignment Can Hurt Your Oral Health

When you think about the different issues that make a person vulnerable to oral health problems, you may focus on behaviors. For instance, you can predict that inconsistent brushing and flossing might lead to someone experiencing a cavity, or that a lack of regular dental visits makes it more likely an oral health problem will… Read more »

Have You Been Avoiding Necessary Orthodontic Work?

Why would someone put off treatment for something that can help improve their oral health, and their smile? When you consider what orthodontic work can do for you, it can seem strange to imagine someone avoiding it. With that said, people sometimes hesitate because they worry about what their experience will be like with braces…. Read more »

Seeking Treatment For Problems Connected To An Uneven Bite

How can something like your bite affect your oral health, or even your quality of life? If your bite is uneven, you may not realize how much strain you are putting on your jaw joints and muscles. Over time, you can start to experience frequent discomfort due to TMJ dysfunction, which can cause many different… Read more »