How Poor Dental Alignment Can Hurt Your Oral Health

When you think about the different issues that make a person vulnerable to oral health problems, you may focus on behaviors. For instance, you can predict that inconsistent brushing and flossing might lead to someone experiencing a cavity, or that a lack of regular dental visits makes it more likely an oral health problem will worsen for someone. What you might not realize is that sometimes naturally occurring dental issues, like poor dental alignment, can make a person more prone to oral health issues like tooth decay, gum disease, and TMJ dysfunction. Your Bellaire, TX dentist can work with you to correct problems with crooked teeth.

Crooked Teeth Can Impact Your Bite Function, And Raise Your Cavity Risk

Crooked teeth can make people feel self-conscious about the way they look when they smile, which can make them focus on the cosmetic smile benefits that come with orthodontic work. What you should know is that by addressing your problems with misalignment, you can protect yourself against oral health issues. Your corrective work can make your bite better aligned, which can allow you to reduce pressure on your jaw when you bite and chew. Your adjustment of teeth that overlap can help you clean your teeth more easily, as overlaps can make areas of teeth difficult to reach when you brush and floss.

Finding The Right Solution To Correct Your Dental Alignment

How should you approach your orthodontic work? Traditional bracket-and-wire braces have proved reliably effective for those ready to address crooked teeth. If you feel uncomfortable with the idea of showing off a smile that is seemingly dominated by an orthodontic appliance, lingual braces provide the same type of arrangement – brackets with a guiding wire – but the appliance is located on the back of your teeth.

If you qualify with your dentist, you can fix problems with poor dental alignment without using braces. What you can use instead is a set of clear aligners. Your aligners will be custom-made, and created to avoid detection by others. This is a great alternative solution for those who worry about the cosmetic effect of braces.

Enjoying The Benefits Of A Better Smile, And Better Oral Health

What should you look forward to when you plan orthodontic work? You can certainly be excited about showing off your improved smile! By fixing gaps and overlaps, you can make your teeth look more attractive, and change your appearance in a notable way. Beyond the cosmetic effect, you can make it easier for you to prevent dental problems, and avoid issues with aches and pains associated with jaw problems! When you consider the advantages that come with your improvements, you can be encouraged to stop putting off care, and reach out to start your adjustment.

Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics Can Help You Improve Your Dental Alignment

Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics is prepared to help patients who want to improve the way they look, and their dental health, with orthodontic work. If you have questions about what it might take to address your orthodontic issues, or if you have any other concerns, let us know! We are proud to serve the Bellaire, TX community. For more information, you can schedule a consultation by calling Contemporary Dental in Bellaire, TX, today at 713-668-9119.