Three Reasons Your Kids Need To See The Dentist

Bellaire, TX, dentist offers checkups for kids

When was the last time you brought your family in for a dental checkup? If you haven’t been to a cleaning or examination in more than a year, it’s time to come in for a visit. These appointments are important for patients of all ages, especially young children learning how to care for their smiles. Your team at Contemporary Dental in Bellaire, TX, is here today to talk about why you should bring your little ones in for a dental visit.

Checkups Teach Them About Proper Oral Hygiene

One of the most significant reasons to come in for a dental visit is to check for cavities and other problems. However, preventing these issues in the first place can help avoid them in the future. When your little one comes in for the checkup, we can examine their smile and find areas that they may be neglecting during their at-home hygiene routine. Your dentist can teach them better tips and tricks to thoroughly brush and floss. We can also use this opportunity to answer any questions your kids may have about their teeth or smile so they can be well informed on oral hygiene.

Reduces Dental Anxiety In The Future

It’s estimated that nearly one-third of people in the US have anxiety related to seeing the dentist. This may be due to feeling overwhelmed in the office or worried about invasive treatments that they may need to get. Skipping these biannual checkups can lead to serious oral health problems in the future. Coming in for your regular appointments can help reduce your anxieties and help improve your overall experience. We understand that your child’s very first visit can be intimidating, but our team will do their best to help them feel at ease. You can also help by talking to your kids about their worries, and finding a dentist that helps them feel safe and comfortable.

We Can Catch Problems Early

Your child’s smile will change rapidly in a short amount of time. We can help monitor the progress of losing baby teeth, newly erupting ones, and many more changes to help ensure there are no issues. We will also examine their oral cavity for signs of tooth decay, gingivitis, premature tooth loss, and more. When your child enters their pre-teen years, we can begin the process of orthodontics to help straighten their teeth. Many of these problems can go unnoticed for several months at a time, resulting in more serious issues for their oral health. By detecting these in the early stages, a treatment plan can be created, and your child’s smile can be protected.

Schedule Their Checkup Today!

The team at Contemporary Dental in Bellaire, TX, wants to help keep your child’s smile happy and healthy. To book a cleaning and examination with our team, call our office today at (713) 668-9119.