Have A Happy Holiday With Prevention

have a happy bellaire txThis holiday season, make sure that you are ready for your friends and family with a beautiful beaming smile. Your oral health maintenance all centers around routine visits to your dentist, and you need these every six months, if not more frequently. If it has been a while since your last cleaning and examination, take some time to schedule your next semiannual checkup. This way, you can have a happy holiday break knowing that you are on top of things.

With our friendly dental clinic in Bellaire, TX, you have a determined team of oral health professionals ready to help you stay safe. Take some time to meet with your dentist for a cleaning and an examination to make sure that you walk into the new year up to date with your dental appointments. While you are here, be sure to ask all of your questions about your oral health, as this is your time for education, as well as your exam. Give us a call today to schedule your next dental appointment!

The Holidays Are A Great Time To Renew Your Dental Dedication

If it has been some time since your last visit to the dentist, do not wait any longer. We know that things can sometimes slip away from you, but your oral health is not something that you should ignore. Most people need to see their dental provider twice each year, and some can stand to follow an accelerated schedule of treatment. This means that tying your semiannual dental checkup to an important time like the holidays can help you to keep up with your timeline of treatment and have a happy holiday.

Plus, you want to make sure that you look and feel your best near the end of the year. If you are a fan of New Year’s celebrations, a dental checkup can help you to have the self-confidence you need at that lavish party.

A Better Dental Future Can Be Your 2024 Goal

As 2023 starts to come to a close, it is time to look forward to the next year. But before you do, take some time to meet with your dentist and take advantage of your dental benefits. For most patients, their dental insurance benefits end at the start of the year, so don’t let these go to waste. By scheduling your appointment before the end of the year, you can feel comfortable knowing that you have made the most of your dental insurance!

Have A Happy Dental Holiday With Our Bellaire, TX Team!

This time of year can be a great opportunity to renew your focus on your dental health. To learn more or to schedule your next appointment for a cleaning and examination, give us a call at Contemporary Dental & Orthodontics in Bellaire, TX at (713)668-9119!