What Kind Of Issues Are Porcelain Veneers Used To Address?

What sort of cosmetic smile problems might call for the placing of porcelain veneers? The reason veneers are popular with people in search of cosmetic dental improvements is that they are able to correct many different issues with the way your teeth look. You can improve on their color, shape, size, and general condition when these durable shells are placed. Your Bellaire, TX dentist can talk to you about what you should expect from this cosmetic dental procedure, and help you plan to make remarkable improvements to the way you look. 

Custom Veneers Can Have An Amazing Effect On The Way You Look

Custom-made veneers are capable of making a remarkable impact on the way someone looks.

  • Are you concerned about discolored teeth? Veneers are able to improve on the brightness of your smile, and can even help with issues caused by internal problems. In other words, this procedure can be helpful in addressing discoloration that a professional whitening treatment can be ineffective against.
  • Are you bothered by minor alignment issues? Your custom porcelain veneers can hide gaps and overlaps that make your smile uneven.
  • Do your teeth look damaged, unhealthy, or misshapen? In many cases, veneers can effectively improve on these issues, and cover up flaws that hurt the way you look.

Having Your Custom Veneers Created And Set On Your Teeth

To ensure they create the changes you are eager to see, your dentist needs to make sure your veneers are perfectly sized for the teeth being treated. After taking measurements, and making sure veneers can be successfully placed, your dentist will have your veneers created. Once they are ready, you can return to have them affixed to your teeth. Veneers are intended to be a lasting improvement, as they are not removable.

Reviewing Your Smile To See How It Can Be Improved

If you have questions about veneers, or if you want to learn about other options, like teeth whitening, gum contouring, or an orthodontic adjustment with clear braces, let your dentist know! Patients have been delighted at how much good a single cosmetic procedure can be for their confidence and appearance, and you can be excited to learn how easy it is to transform your smile.

Talk To Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics About Porcelain Veneers

At Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics, patients seeking meaningful smile improvements can be excited by how effective veneers can be at making positive changes. You can hide issues like discoloration, minor dental damage, and even problems with the shape and size of teeth! We are glad for the opportunity to work with Bellaire, TX residents, as well as those in and around the Houston area. If you would like more information, schedule a consultation by calling Contemporary Dental in Bellaire, TX, today at 713-668-9119.