Taking care of your smile includes more than just biannual checkups and a good oral hygiene routine. You should also be aware of problems like TMJ dysfunction, which happens when your jaw does not hinge properly. If you begin to have symptoms of TMJ or bruxism, it’s important to talk to your dentist right away to determine a diagnosis and find an effective treatment. Your team at Contemporary Dental in Bellaire, TX, is experienced in helping patients reduce symptoms of jaw discomfort and chronic teeth grinding.
Common Signs Of TMD & Bruxism
It can be difficult to know when you have temporomandibular joint dysfunction because many of the symptoms can seem easy to ignore. However, when left untreated for long periods, there can be serious consequences for your oral health. Signs such as frequent headaches, earaches, discomfort, or a popping sound when you open your mouth could indicate that there is a problem with the way your jaw joints rest. Additionally, many patients with TMD are also found to have bruxism, which is a condition where you chronically grind your teeth. You may notice that your jaw is sore in the morning, you have headaches, or your teeth are sore. If you are experiencing a combination of these symptoms, see a dentist as soon as possible.
Untreated Conditions Can Harm Your Smile
These disorders can lead to chronic pain and discomfort if left untreated for long periods of time. Frequent headaches and tooth sensitivity can decrease your quality of life and have a serious impact on your overall well-being. These conditions could also potentially disrupt your sleep cycle, causing you to be tired and easily irritable throughout the day. When you are consistently getting poor sleep, it can have negative consequences on your mental and physical health. Conditions like TMJ and bruxism can also lead to damaged teeth and poor gum health, which can require extensive restorations in the future.
How An Oral Appliance Can Help
The consequences of untreated TMJ and bruxism can be severe, but there is a simple way to protect your smile and treat the disorders. An oral appliance is a device that looks like a mouthguard. You will wear this when you sleep to help your jaw rest properly at night and avoid grinding your teeth. After your symptoms have been reduced, your dentist may also recommend restorative treatments to repair damage that may have been done to your teeth by bruxism and TMD. Some patients may also benefit from orthodontic treatment to help relieve their jaw discomfort.
Schedule An Appointment With Our Team
Are you ready to find an effective solution for jaw pain and teeth grinding? Call Contemporary Dental in Bellaire, TX, today at 713-668-9119 to learn more.