Arranging Detailed Smile Examinations

How does a routine visit with your dentist really benefit you if you have no concerns about your oral health? Regular dental checkups offer several advantages when you schedule them on a regular basis. These visits keep you informed about the state of your smile, and can lead to timely intervention when problems first form. You also undergo a thorough teeth cleaning at every appointment, something that helps you avoid difficulties in the future. To provide a comprehensive review of your oral health, our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office relies on advanced imaging technology to study your oral structures and determine if there are any issues that we should address.

Are You Past Due For Your Next Dental Checkup?

If you want to remain current with your regular dental exams, you should schedule them to occur every six months. Scheduling these visits consistently provides you with regular updates about your oral health, and it ensures you have protection against tartar accumulation. Problems that form between appointments can be tended to before there are complications, which means we can limit damage done by a cavity. We can also recommend action to stop problems with gum disease from worsening and impacting your quality of life.

Using Advanced Imaging Technology To Examine Your Smile

Through the use of advanced imaging technology, we can capture detailed images of your oral structures, which we use to check for any signs of trouble that might require restorative dental work. The degree of detail we can capture helps us identify problems that could easily go unnoticed. We also use digital imaging technology to plan treatments with same-day dental crowns, which cuts down on the time that is necessary to restore a tooth in poor health.

Protecting Your Smile Between Appointments

While you do have access to important services at every appointment, you should have a smart routine in place to protect your teeth between visits. On a daily basis, you should take care to thoroughly brush and floss your teeth to keep tartar from becoming a problem. You should also make smart choices with your diet, as this will help you lower your exposure to sugary and acidic foods that make you more likely to experience problems that require professional services.

Schedule Your Next Examination At Our Bellaire, TX Dentist’s Office

Through your regular dental exams, you receive important feedback about your smile, something that will help you avoid difficulties like tooth decay and gum disease. By sticking to a consistent routine of both professional and daily care, you can more easily preserve a smile that is confident, attractive, and in good condition. To find out more about how we can care for you, or to set your next routine appointment, please contact Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics at 713-668-9119.