How Dental Implants Resolve Problems Created By Tooth Loss

Tooth loss creates several issues that can affect your confidence, your bite function, and your oral health. While the promise of a restored smile can influence many people to make plans to receive a dental prosthetic, the right restorative procedure can help you with more than just your appearance. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, we can make plans to restore your smile by using a dental implant to hold your dental restoration in place. With an implant, you enjoy the necessary stability to bite and chew food without difficulty. You also have support for your jawbone, effectively preventing the issues with deterioration that affect people after they lose teeth. At a consultation, you can learn more about how an implant-held dental crown, or another prosthetic supported by this post, can lead to exciting benefits!

Enjoy Bite Improvements Provided By Your Implant-Held Restoration

The maintenance of an even, comfortable bite is important because it helps you avoid issues with TMJ disorder, plus it ensures you evenly distribute pressure among your teeth. All it takes is the injury or loss of one tooth to negatively affect your ability to bite and chew in a way that feels natural. As a result, you can struggle with jaw stiffness and pain over time, and you can become more vulnerable to dental issues as remaining teeth are overworked. Once your implant-held restoration is ready, you can have an easier time biting and chewing without frustration!

How Implants Preserve The Health And Stability Of Your Jawbone

While a dental bridge is able to provide bite support, it takes the support of a dental implant to make sure your jawbone is safe after tooth loss. Losing a single tooth will leave the bone vulnerable to deterioration over time. This happens because the roots are responsible for signalling the need for nutrient delivery to the bone. Because your implant can stimulate the bone in the place of those roots, you can once again have nutrients delivered to the tissues in order to keep them sustained.

Start Showing Off A Full, Confident Smile Again!

While there is more than just a cosmetic benefit to prosthetic dental work, the value of a restored smile is not something you should overlook. By making your smile complete, you can smile with greater confidence, and generally feel more at ease when laughing, speaking, and eating with others! We can use a lifelike dental crown to take the place of your missing tooth, ensuring that your smile appears natural when treatment is complete.

Talk To Your Bellaire, TX Dentist’s Office About Dental Implants

Your Bellaire, TX dentist’s office is prepared to help patients when they wish to do something about tooth loss. If you are ready to deal with the many issues this problem can create, please contact Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics at 713-668-9119.