How Has Malocclusion Affected Your Oral Health?

young man unsure how to answer questionThe alignment of your teeth can have more impact on your life than some people might expect. One obvious issue can be the effect that spaces and overlaps can have on your appearance, but there are also oral health issues to consider. For instance, you may have a difficult time maintaining a natural biting and chewing motion, which can lead to more problems with your dental health. You may also experience problems with your oral health because your teeth are harder to clean effectively. At our Bellaire, TX dentist’s office, we have experience working with individuals who want to enjoy the cosmetic and oral health benefits of orthodontic treatment. You can learn how a correction might benefit you, and you can also discuss different appliances that are available to straighten your smile.

The Alignment Of Your Teeth Can Affect Your Bite, And Your Risk For Cavities

A proper bite function limits the amount of stress movement creates on your jaw joints and muscles, and it keeps the distribution of pressure even for your teeth. If you struggle with an uneven bite, it can be difficult for you to avoid problems with TMJ disorder, and you may unintentionally overwork certain teeth over time. When these problems continue to go unresolved, it can become difficult for you to keep your smile in ideal shape.

Your bite is not the only concern you should have if your teeth are uneven. Overlaps between teeth can make certain areas harder to access, which can lead to problems as you try to effectively prevent oral health issues. Over time, a buildup of bacteria in these spaces can make you susceptible to cavities and gum disease.

Different Solutions For Problems With Malocclusion

Traditional metal braces that rely on brackets and wires to move teeth have helped many people who struggled with malocclusion. While these appliances have proved to be effective for people with a wide range of alignment issues, patients sometimes shy away from them because they can impact a person’s appearance. With lingual braces, you can enjoy the support of these appliances while hiding them, as they are placed on your back teeth. You can also discuss treatment with clear aligners, which are removable, custom-made appliances that will gradually realign teeth over time. This option can be ideal for people who want to make orthodontic work discreet as well as unobtrusive.

Life With A Straightened Smile

After correcting problems with your poorly aligned teeth, you can show off a more confident smile while also enjoying oral health benefits. A correction can make biting and chewing less stressful for your jaw, which can reduce discomforts that you experience. By fixing overlapping teeth, you can find it easier to fully clean your smile!

Our Practice Has Helped Many Bellaire, TX Residents With Orthodontic Concerns

Our dental and orthodontic practice in Bellaire, TX has helped many people deal with problems that have left them frustrated with their oral health and appearance. To find out more about our practice and how we can help you, call Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics at 713-668-9119.