We Are Ready To Answer Your Questions About Clear Braces!

Many people who have questions about orthodontic treatment are interested in learning about modern alternatives to traditional care with metal braces. Thanks to clear aligners like Invisalign and ClearCorrect, many people who felt self-conscious about their crooked teeth were able to make smile improvements discreetly. Even if you feel excited to learn about care with these aligners, you may have some questions that make you hesitant to move forward with treatment. Our Bellaire, TX dental and orthodontic office has helped many people fix gaps, overlaps, and other issues with their dental alignment. We can talk with you about the general benefits of an orthodontic treatment, and we are also happy to discuss the potential advantages of clear braces for helping you correct your smile.

Can I Qualify For Treatment With Clear Braces?

Many people poorly aligned teeth have been approved for treatment with clear braces – these appliances can effectively realign smiles that are affected by gaps, overlaps, and other common concerns. While more advanced problems with misalignment may call for metal braces, it is common for patients to receive approval for treatment with Invisalign or ClearCorrect.

What Does Treatment With Clear Braces Involve?

When you undergo an adjustment with clear braces, you are provided with a series of aligners that have been specially made to move your teeth into their proper places. You will wear your aligners each day, which can be easy to agree to when you are confident that your smile will be largely unchanged. At times when you want to eat or clean your teeth, you can remove them easily. While you can arrange some check-ins with your dentist to make sure everything is moving properly, you will not have to worry about any manual adjustments of your appliance.

Are Clear Braces The Only Smile-Friendly Orthodontic Treatment?

While clear braces are popular for their ability to discreetly move teeth that are poorly aligned, there is another smile-friendly orthodontic appliance you can inquire about at our practice. For some of our patients, lingual braces can be effective at moving teeth without drawing unwanted attention. Like traditional braces, lingual braces rely on brackets and wires for corrective work. What makes them different is that they are placed on the back of your teeth, rather than the front. This arrangement is still effective at providing exciting smile improvements, and it can help improve your oral health by correcting your bite function, and lowering your risk for TMJ problems.

Talk To Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics About Clear Braces

At Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics, patients who are interested in fixing problems with their dental alignment can find out about treatment with clear braces! If you have questions about these aligners, or if you would like to know about any of the other services we provide, please contact Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics in Bellaire, TX today at 713-668-9119.