Showing Off An Improved Smile After Orthodontic Work

Did you know that orthodontic work can lead to an improved bite function? Were you aware that by straightening overlapping teeth, an orthodontic appliance can actually help someone reduce their risk for cavities? These are important benefits to orthodontic work, but there is another advantage that is worth some excitement – simply put, your straightened smile can improve your overall appearance and make you more attractive. If you are ready to see how an adjustment can improve your smile, talk to your Bellaire, TX dentist’s office about a possible treatment. We have multiple appliances we can offer, so you can find the path to correction that best suits you.

Gaps, Overlaps, And Other Issues With Malocclusion That Can Hurt Your Appearance

Problems with poor dental alignment can make you self-conscious about the way you look, and leave you in a state of embarrassment over your smile. Gaps between teeth are commonly present when a person has poor dental alignment. Issues with overlapping teeth can also be a problem. This can be a particularly worrying problem because in addition to making your smile less attractive, overlaps can make it harder for you to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Generally speaking, any alignment flaw that draws unwanted attention can be a big problem for your appearance, and make you worried about the way you look.

Selecting The Right Appliance For Your Orthodontic Work

How should you move forward with orthodontic treatment? Traditional metal braces, which rely on a system of brackets and wires to make adjustments to teeth, have been effective for countless individuals over the years. These appliances are effective even in cases where a person has more significant alignment flaws to address. In some cases, treatment can be pursued using lingual braces, which are set on the back, rather than the front, or a patient’s teeth. If you want to do something about flaws caused by poor alignment, but prefer to avoid braces, you can speak with your dentist to see if clear aligners might be effective for you.

Should You Plan Cosmetic Work After Your Adjustment Is Completed?

While an orthodontic adjustment can make great changes to how you look, this is sometimes part of a person’s larger plan to do something about the way they look. You can certainly talk to your dentist about following your correction with additional cosmetic dental work to change your smile. For instance, you can look into whitening your teeth after your orthodontic work, so that your smile is straighter and brighter than before. This can lead to the kind of dramatic change that is sure to capture the attention of others!

Talk To Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics About Orthodontic Work

Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics is prepared to help you show off a straighter and more attractive smile! If you have questions about orthodontic work, or any other procedure we offer, you can reach our Bellaire, TX dental practice by calling 713-668-9119.