3 Things You Ought To Know About The Treatment Of Cavities

When you understand the way a cavity affects a tooth – and how badly it can affect your oral health – you can see the value in seeking prompt treatment. Your Bellaire, TX dentist is ready to provide the appropriate restorative dental treatment if you experience trouble with tooth decay. To address the matter fully, damaged and decayed material must be fully removed, and your tooth will need to be restored with the appropriate dental filling or dental crown. Make sure you attend regular dental exams if you want to avoid issues with advanced cavities, as these appointments give you the chance to have decay identified before painful symptoms start to occur.

1. The Right Treatment Approach Can Vary, Based On The Severity Of Your Decay

A cavity’s severity needs to be assessed before your dentist recommends the right treatment. If a small cavity is found during a routine dental checkup, your dentist can place a dental filling after removing it from your tooth. If you arrive with concerns about a toothache, and your dentist finds that a cavity has allowed bacteria to spread to your pulp, a root canal treatment will have to take place. If it does not, an infection within your tooth can eventually spread further and create new problems.

2. Modern Restorations Can Prevent Issues With Your Appearance

You may fear that any cavity will affect the way you look. While a cavity’s damage is permanent, there are modern restorations available to prevent any issues with the way you look. Modern dental fillings can match the appearance of your enamel. If you need a dental crown, you can have a custom crown made to match the tooth being treated. Once that crown is set, you can smile with confidence, and not worry that your appearance has been compromised by your treatment.

3. Your Dentist May Need To Treat A Tooth Infection

When a tooth becomes infected, meaning oral bacteria have moved to its pulp, a root canal procedure is required. During this procedure, your dentist is carefully clearing your pulp of damaged and infected living tissues. Once this is completed, the pulp will be sealed, and a custom crown is used to restore your tooth. An infected tooth puts you at risk for further complications, because bacteria can use that tooth’s root to continue traveling, and creating more health issues. Eventually, decay can spread to the point that your tooth is just too unhealthy to save.

Talk To Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics About Treating A Cavity

Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics can help you deal with problems that trouble your smile! Our practice is ready to help you take on issues created by tooth decay. In addition to carefully removing the threat of a cavity, your dentist can provide you with an attractive, long-lasting restoration. If you are interested in receiving more information, schedule a consultation by calling Contemporary Dental in Bellaire, TX, today at 713-668-9119.