The Trouble With Eating Too Many Sweets

How can you resist a sweet treat from your sweetheart? Candy and other treats can feel ever-present on Valentine’s Day. It could be given to you by a romantic partner, brought into the office by a generous coworker, or simply hard to resist at the grocery store. With that said, remember that being too indulgent in your sweet tooth can lead to the kind of problems that need professional dental care to address. Your Bellaire, TX dentist is ready to help you in the event you develop a cavity – you can also count on preventive dental care to help you stay out of trouble.

Understanding The Impact Your Diet Can Have On Your Oral Health

If your goal is to maintain your best and healthiest smile, you need to be cautious about what you consume on a routine basis. The problem is not limited to sweets, though you certainly need to be careful about your sugar consumption. Acidic foods and drinks are capable of making your enamel weaker, so you are more likely to have a cavity form. You can also have issues because of sticky, starchy foods that can be trouble for you. Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet on a regular basis can be effective at protecting your smile.

What Should You Expect If You Need Treatment For A Cavity?

If you wind up in need of dental work because of a cavity, you should understand that there is no way to naturally recover the damaged dental material. What your dentist can do is make sure your tooth is protected with the appropriate restoration. A dental filling supplies your tooth with support by occupying a damaged area. In more serious cases, you may need a root canal and a dental crown to be fully recovered from a cavity.

Combining Better Care At Home With Regular Dental Exams

You should make a real effort each day to keep your teeth in good health. You should also be aware that better habits should occur in addition to regular dental checkups, not in the place of them. Seeing your dentist for semiannual reviews will keep you updated about any concerns about your smile. These visits also provide you with important professional cleanings.

Count On Quality Smile Care From Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics

Families in and around the Bellaire, TX area can count on terrific smile support thanks to the dedicated care available at Contemporary Dental And Orthodontics. We are ready to serve families in Bellaire, Houston, and all other nearby and neighboring areas. In addition to helping to protect you against oral health threats, we are also ready to treat active problems, address cosmetic concerns, and provide orthodontic treatment. For more details, schedule a consultation by contacting Contemporary Dental in Bellaire, TX, today at 713-668-9119.